I know we are in tough times. Go anywhere, listen to any radio, TV, or friends in the office, and you hear the doom and gloom of our times. So much so, that I often don't even want to listen to the news. I used to play cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, and even pirates. Just a few months ago, I would not have believed that many adults in the world are actually still playing these games, they are called politicians, and they are getting paid to act like idiots! Of course something is a bit different than when I played the game-- roles have been turned upside-down; cops are the robbers, indians are putting the cowboys on reservations, and the pirates are winning!
I have to grab myself by the scruff of the neck and remember that the micro-currents of present events, is just that. Micro. We have so much access to information today that everything is magnified, examined, and deconstructed in excruciating details. Are things really as bad as the gleeful press describes? Or do they have a vested interest in exaggerating this bad news? Are they just reporting, or are they, perhaps, stirring the proverbial pot?
I don't know who said it, but there are moments when I agree with the little ditty "stop the world, I want to get off!" Of course, that will come to all of us, eventually, and permanently. I certainly don't want to hasten my time, but there are times when the crazy antics of the world's "adults" just astounds me!
No matter how dire the circumstances seem, they are NOT as bad as the news wants us to believe. We must not be taken in by the doom and wo that is being preached out there. Life is very, very good, especially for us, Americans. We need to step back, turn the binoculars around, and look through the wrong end for a little while, so we can reset our perspective, and be less negative, more grateful, and positive.
12 years ago
I completly agree. I don't watch the news. I have long since dropped it off of my list of ways to stay up on current events and the world. I think its important to be aware, but not misled and dramatized. Unfortunately, our media today makes that task harder than it could be.
Oh the bane of propaganda. I am a firm believer in looking at the world through skeptical/critical eyes. In order to have any kind of mind of your own, you have to do so.
The world can seem topsy-turvy, yet, like you said, we are still immensely blessed, highly favored, and overwhelmingly lucky.
Its time for many of us to take a little trip to the other end of that kaleidescope so that we can see how topsy-turvy things could be, if we weren't so blessed. I guess it can be hard to remember, but things aren't so bad, are they?
This is why I don't watch the news. I don't like being told that there is absolutely no hope or that we're all stuck up, lousy good-for-nothings.
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