Friday, November 7, 2008

Onward Christian Soldiers

Warning, this post is full of biblical and religious references.

You know, too often, we Christians forget that ours is a world in which evil thrives. We don’t want to admit it because the nature of Christianity is to focus on the bright, beautiful, good, and joy that is in this world and the world to come. We are taught to be positive, hopeful, and loving to all that surrounds us. We are encouraged to see the good and divine in all of God’s children. However, along with the promise of blessings, are the warnings against evil, sin, darkness, and the author of all wickedness.

The Master said to Peter “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:” Paul told the Ephesians, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Don’t get me wrong; I’m not placing this at the feet of any particular person or organization out there today. I am suggesting that for too long, conservatives, including Christians, have been slow to recognize the impact of the open warfare that is being waged by evil. Yes, we can hate the sin, and still be able to love the sinner. When it is our neighbor, colleague, co-worker, children’s teacher, or family member who is engaging in destructive behavior, or supporting those who do, it becomes even harder to fight against sin, and still love the sinner. Many of us, will acquiesce and ‘accept’ or ‘tolerate’ the persons behavior, thinking we are loving the sinner.

Terrible things have happened through history, because some individuals with no morality, went unchecked by the moral and religious majority, until it was very late. Why does this happen? I’m not a professional sociologist, but my theory is that most good, decent people are unable to accept that others are capable of doing these unimaginable things. We see what happens, in all of its horrific splendor, but, instead of taking it for face-value, we say, “that just can’t be, no one would do that, we must have misunderstood what they said, or did; that would never happen here; we’re too good/strong to every let that happen.” When we hesitate, evil surges forward, setting up a new battle position. Then one day we realize that evil has been running around having its way. We find things like marriage being threatened to the core. These things didn’t happen overnight. They started with a little event, small happening, often many years ago, when good, moral people said “that just can’t be, and no one would do that…”

We’ve become victims of inaction, like the anecdote about how to boil a frog. Throw the frog in boiling water, and the frog will jump out. But, put the frog in a pot of cool water, and slowly heat it, and the frog will cook. Why? Because the change in temperature was so slight that it never was drastic, and the frog became adjusted to each change with little discomfort. The conservatives have stood by and watched the core values of the Republican Party be sacrificed on the altar of cooperation, political correctness, bi-partisanship, and intellectualism. While liberalism saw it as weakness, lack of resolve, and mixed messages, and showed Americans how unstable Republicans were. To liberals, compromise means agreeing with them. To liberals, cooperation means doing their way. Liberals agree with free speech, as long as that speech supports their position.

John McCain is an honorable man. John McCain is a victim of the current Republican Party leadership that believes the other side really wants the same things our side does. I find it amazing that in this last election, the party that believes in a strong military, clear, tough tactics, uncompromising international policy and practice, was unable to exercise that same process in an election campaign. While on the other hand, the party that is opposed to war, and wants to talk with the enemy, was able to run a campaign like a military machine—clear objectives, lightening strikes, propaganda, unapologetic aggressiveness toward the goal, and winning the hearts of the people.

It is time to put on “the armor of God” and join the ideological war, with a vengeance. We are behind, yet it is not too late. Californian’s passing of Proposition 8 proved that conservatives could win a tough battle. Make no mistake, it was a battle, at times it was open warfare on anybody that supported Prop.8. We have to be prepared for that kind of hate, anger, and vitriol when we stand up for truth and conservatism. The fiery darts are physically and spiritually real.

We can't have weak stomachs. We must not shrink away when the battle gets bloody. The other side will not give up. They have patience. They can wait 5, 10, or 30 years, winning little victories, here and there: Remove prayer from schools; Take the 10 Commandments from public squares; No more nativity on public grounds; Call a baby a fetus; A fetus is just a lump of the mother’s body; Its not killing, it’s a mother’s choice; Not assisted suicide, its quality of life; Socialism?. No, its fairness; Homosexuals were born that way, they can't help it; I know homosexuals that are better parents than normal couples. These are the arguments that distract and confuse us. The enemy can beat us before we begin the war, if we can be distracted, confused, or discouraged! We can't win the war by continuously giving territory to the enemy as an act of good will. They will gladly accept every time, and never reciprocate. Why should they? They're getting exactly what they want, without firing a shot!

Conservatives, including Christians have to put up or shut up. If this is a war, we need to start acting like it is a war. We need to select our generals, train the troops, plan, prepare, execute, and tough it out. We don’t give the enemy our battle plan. We do maintain our standards, honor, and integrity. We can be tough and take the offensive. In their face? If necessary. Apologize for the truth? Never. Refuse to be intimidated by accusations of bigotry, bias, and intolerance? Yes. One good thing about loosing this election: closet liberals and intellectuals in the Republican Party who value their positions more than the party, showed their cards. Time to clean the inner vessel! Raise your banner high. Sound a clear trumpet.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It is with mixed emotions, I sit here, and wonder.

I wonder how much of the campaign rhetoric will become reality. I wonder how much people will use this opportunity to assess what a blessing it is to be an American. Will the Republican Party have the fortitude to look itself in the mirror, and change the things which caused it to loose the way? Will the Democrat Party realize it still must serve all Americans? Will all national officials remember their oath of office is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, not their party, not lobbies, not even the individual citizens of a particular generation.

I also wonder, and marvel, at the magnificence of this process where we can change an entire administration, in the blink of an eye. There’s no national strike, or military taking over the government. It’s a peaceful, respectful, and honorable transition. Not too many societies throughout history can make that claim!

I worry about citizens that believe it is fundamentally acceptable for the state to confiscate another’s property in the name of ‘fairness.’ I’m concerned that many Americans worry more about what other countries think about the US, than what their fellow citizens think and feel. I’m worried the election results will embolden some to demand reparations, ‘payback’ or some other form of penance of the many to the few, for past wrongs and perceived injustices. I worry that the special interest organizations will continue to see the United States through the lens of their limited perspective on a few issues or causes.

We have always been a nation of cultures, ideas, traditions, and religions, which don’t always agree, but could sit down at the table of ideas and eat, drink, and discuss. Have we lost that ability? Has the trend to call names, threaten, investigate past foibles, shout-down, and humiliate those who differ from our opinions, become the only way we can communicate?

There are many Americans who feel wronged, cheated, demeaned, forgotten, or abandoned. Their feelings are legitimate. Their perception may be accurate, at least in a few instances. But, very few things fit the broad accusations of “always” or “never” or “everyone.”

One of the sentiments that came out in the post-election interviews was the ‘relief’ and ‘amazement’ that we are seeing an African-American person elected President. It is an historical moment! But many of those expressed this sentiment because they come from a paradigm that painted it impossible for a black man to be elected at this time in the American experience.

This surprised me! Perhaps its because I come from a life of relative plenty and blessings where I was taught to judge people by the content of their character. Perhaps its because I spent many years in the military where my most respected leaders were of various ethnicities, age, and gender. As a matter of fact, of my most admired commanders is a woman, who become a General. No big deal? It is a big deal, but only in proving our country has been ready for a woman, African-American, Hispanic, etc president for longer than we give credit. If not, we would not have elected one yesterday.

Let’s take some time and count the blessings of being in the “greatest nation on God’s green earth” which is held as the “last best hope” of the world by many other citizens of the planet. Just ask those who continue to risk their life to come here any way they can.

What it would be like if we remembered our greatness came from working hard, taking responsibility for our own actions, expecting nothing from others, but being grateful for their helping hand, lending that same hand to others, protecting the innocent and vulnerable, disagreeing without hating, and thanking God for the privilege.

I wonder.